At the beginning of the establishment, it was a national private company engaged in textiles with the results in the form of yarn and weaving products under the name of PT. Kanindotex.
Start in 1989 with a single Spining business unit, with a capacity of 60,000 spindles per spindle.
The company started operating precisely dated August 8, 1990. The capital investment comes from private entrepreneurs in collaboration with the Government Bank.
On his way PT.KANINDOTEX experiencing management changes, in 1995 was taken over by the Indonesian Batik Cooperatives / GKBI, but a few months later changed the management switch at a National Executive Board Business Consortium, led by Bambang Triatmodjo.
PT. Kanindotex originally composed of three entities:
1. PT. Succes Kanindotex Textile
2. PT. Kanindotex Prima Perkasa
3. PT. Main Noble Kanindotex
By the Consortium Board of the National Business is conducted Acquisition into PT. APAC INTI CORPORA on October 2, 1995.
Within a relatively short period of less than 20 years, the company PT. Apac Inti Corpora growing rapidly from one sub business unit Spinning into 7 sub business unit Spining / spinning (processing of cotton fiber into yarn), and 3 sub business unit Weaving and Denim (processing of yarn into cloth / weaving).
In order to remain competitive to become superior PT. APAC INTI CORPORA offering superior products high quality yarn, greige fabrics and Denim to the market. Yarn and fabric product yields PT. APAC INTI CORPORA has gained recognition of the Global customers, therefore companies have implemented a 55% export their products to customers worldwide. The application of clean technologies with facilities for machine - a modern machine environmentally friendly and still appreciate customers make this company remain reliable as a principal national and international textile business. PT. APAC INTI CORPORA has achieved the Quality Management System certificate ISO: 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment), and ISO 50001 (Energy).
Description of Corporate Environment
PT. APAC INTI CORPORA located in jl. Raya Soekarno - Hatta km. 32 Bawen - Semarang - 50 661 - Central Java - Phone (0298-522888) Fax. (0298-522297) Harjosari village district. Bawen - Kab. Semarang. Geographical at an altitude of 547 m above sea level, the temperature 25derajat C, average rainfall - average 156 cm / year.
Some considerations in selecting the location of the plant, among others:
1. It is strategically located on the edge of the highway Semarang - Bawen so as to facilitate transportation of raw materials, equipment / machinery and products from to the airport, stations and ports in Semarang.
2. Close to the water resources, electricity, labor readily available.
3. The neighborhood around is very supportive because it can create jobs and move the economy
Complex PT. APAC INTI CORPORA occupies a land area of + / _ 110 ha, bengunan area of 334,000 m2, length of 6.7 Km road.
PT. APAC INTI CORPORA has a Center for Training and Development called GRIPAC (Griya Training Apac) that are in one location of the plant. PT. APAC INTI CORPORA also tedapat mosques, prayer rooms and halls.
Opening dates and hours – 13th to 15th Oct 2015, (09:00 – 18:00) Venue – National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), No. 333, Songze Avenue, Shanghai
In Participation Intertextile Shanghai (Shanghai apparel fabrics) show PT Apac will be more focus in promoting Denim fabrics beside Yarns and Greige fabrics.
Apac Inti Corpora at Texworld Worldwide Textile 'Rendez-vous' on 9th to 12th February 2009 Location : Paris Le Bourget, France Exhibitors : 817 from...